giant child
You ask me to answer
Do you have discounted fees?
Our service philosophy is that socioeconomic status should not prevent you from accessing practical parenting skills and emotional support. If your total household income is below 30,000 per month, please contact us. We will arrange limited places to receive affordable services every month.
What is the 14-Day Parenting Newsletter?
In order to allow more people to quickly receive practice-based parenting information, our team worked hard to create the "14-Day Parenting Newsletter". Get a kid-changing technique every day for 14 consecutive days for just $2 a day! Click here for details.
How long does it take for your classes to be productive?
We cannot give you an exact answer as each child is different in situation, age and background. However, our classrooms take four lessons as a unit, and every two lessons will be reviewed, followed up, and improved with parents, so that our courses can provide caring services for children. Let them develop their potential on the road of growth.
I don't know which course my child should take?
If you have any questions about our courses, you are welcome to contact us. Everyone is an independent individual. We also have tailor-made courses for your reference. In addition, we also provide counseling and inquiry services for adult individuals. For details, please refer tohere.
Besides children's classes, what other services do you offer?
Our professional teams come from different disciplines such as music, dance and art. We also provide individual mental health counseling. If you feel that the pressure is on the verge of bursting, don't ignore its importance, contact us and find out.